Data Analysis and Mining on Tourism Big Data: A Case Study of Huangshan City
Published:2018-05-28 Hit:689



The study explores the potential value that tourism data can bring in promoting the development of tourism economy, improving tourism management capabilities, and improving the quality of tourism services.

Taking Huangshan City, a famous tourist city in China, as an example, based on analysis methods such as statistics and data mining, we first studied the correlation between the degree of economic development and the distance between tourist sources and tourist destinations. Second, we discussed the relationship between Internet search popular index and actual visitor arrivals. Finally, in order to be able to predict the number of actual visitors in advance, we also conducted a study on the prediction of the Internet search popular index.

Among them, for the prediction problem of the network search popular index, we used the support vector machine algorithm. For the prediction of the Baidu Index of “Huangshan”, the comprehensive accuracy can reach 78.43%.


People: Peng Shi

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