◆ C. Luo, A. Tang, F. Gao, J. Liu, and X. Wang, “Channel Modeling Framework for Bistatic ISAC under 3GPP Standard,” in Proc. IEEE VTC-Spring 2024.
◆ T. Wang, S. Wang, X. Wang, and G. Li, “Collaborative Learning for Less Online Retraining of Neural Receivers,” in Proc. IEEE MLSP 2024.
◆ X. Zhou and X. Wang, “Federated Label-Noise Learning with Local Diversity Product Regularization,” in Proc. the 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-24) [Supplementary Material].
◆ Q. Zhao, A. Tang, X. Wang, J. Liu, Y. Zhou, and F. Gao, “Joint Transmit and Receive Beamforming for Integrated Bistatic Radar Sensing and MU-MIMO Communications,” in Proc. IEEE VTC-Fall 2023.
◆ Z. Wang, A. Tang, and X. Wang, “Iterative Sensing-Assisted Beam Alignment for THz Communications: Theory and Method,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2023.
◆ T. Wang and X. Wang, “Boosting Capacity for 6G Terahertz Mesh Networks Based on Bottleneck Structures,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2023.
◆ X. Wang and X. Wang, “Position Interleaved Pulse Modulation for Terahertz Communications,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2023.
◆ L. Lei and X. Wang, “Reducing Delay of A Wireless Mesh Network With Scalable Per-Node Throughput,” in Proc. IEEE PIMRC 2023.
◆ S. Li, C. Luo, A. Tang, X. Wang, C. Xu, F. Gao, and L. Cai, “Integrating Passive Bistatic Sensing into mmWave B5G/6G Networks: Design and Experiment Measurement,” in Proc. IEEE ICC 2023.
◆ D. Xie, X. Wang, and A. Tang, “MetaSight: Localizing Blocked RFID Objects by Modulating NLOS Signals via Metasurfaces,” in Proc. ACM Mobisys 2022.
◆ J. Shen, H. Zhu, Y. Cai, B. Zhai, X. Wang, S. Chang, H. Cai, and M. Guo, “mmV2V: Combating One-hop Multicasting in Millimeter-wave Vehicular Networks,” in Proc. IEEE ICDCS 2022.
◆ Y. Bai, S. Amin, X. Wang, and L. Jin, “Securing Signal-free Intersections against Strategic Jamming Attacks: A Macroscopic Approach,” in Proc. IEEE CDC 2022.
◆ L. Lei, A. Tang, and X. Wang, “Analysis on the Scalability Issues of Wireless Mesh Networks: Key Factors and Potential Solutions,” in Proc. IEEE MASS 2022.
◆ K. Chen, Y. Zhu, Z. Han, and X. Wang, “Adaptive Cross-Camera Video Analytics at the Edge,” in Proc. IEEE MASS 2022.
◆ S. Li, A. Tang, and X. Wang, “FreeCollision: Parallel Decoding for Concurrent OFDM-PHY WiFi Backscatter Communications,” in Proc. IEEE ICC 2022.
◆ Q. Zhao, S. Li, A. Tang, and X. Wang, “Energy-Efficient Reference Signal Optimization for 5G V2X Joint Communication and Sensing,” in Proc. IEEE ICC 2022.
◆ X. Wang, A. Tang, and X. Wang, "Frequency and Bandwidth Tunable Pulse Waveform Design for Carrier-Free THz Communications," in Proc. IEEE ICC 2022.
◆ A. Tang, Y. Liu, and X. Wang, “Exploiting Joint-Cache-Channel Coding for Decentralized Coded Caching With Heterogeneous Link Rates and Cache Sizes,” in Proc. IEEE PIMRC 2021 (Best Paper Award 1/260).
◆ D. Xie, X. Wang, A. Tang, and H. Zhu, “POLO: Localizing RFID-Tagged Objects for Mobile Robots," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2021.
◆ J. Zhang, S. Chen, X. Wang, and Y. Zhu, “DeepReserve: Dynamic Edge Server Reservation for Connected Vehicles with Deep Reinforcement Learning," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2021.
◆ A. Tang, and X. Wang, “Self-Interference-Resistant IEEE 802.11ad-Based Joint Communication and Automotive Long Range Radar," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2020.
◆ X. Wang, H. Zhu, S. Chang, and X. Wang, “SeVI: Boosting Secure Voice Interactions with Smart Devices," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2020.
◆ S. Fan, Y. Wu, C. Han, and X. Wang, “A Structured Bidirectional LSTM Deep Learning Method For 3D Terahertz Indoor Localization," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2020.
◆ B. Zhai, M. Yu, A. Tang, and X. Wang, “Mesh Architecture for Efficient Integrated Access and Backhaul Networking," in Proc. IEEE WCNC 2020.
◆ D. Xie, C. Xu, A. Tang, and X. Wang, “Rateless Adaptation for Mobile Visible Light Communications," in Proc. IEEE ICNC 2020.
◆ M. Yu, A. Tang, X. Wang, and C. Han,"Joint Scheduling and Power Allocation for 6G Terahertz Mesh Networks," in Proc. IEEE ICNC 2020.
◆ D. Xie, D. Weidman, S. Yao, A. Tang, and X. Wang, “3D Passive Positioning Based on RFID Tag Array,” in Proc. IEEE ICC 2019.
◆ J. Zhang, D. Xie, X. Wang, and J. Lu, "Exploiting Propagation Delay Difference in Collided Preambles for Efficient Random Access in NB-IoT," in Proc. IEEE ICC 2019.
◆ A. Tang, Y. Liu, and X. Wang, “Preference-Aware Caching and Cooperative Coded Multicasting Design for Wireless Backhaul Networks,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2019.
◆ B. Zhai, W. Tang, A. Tang, M. Dai, and X. Wang, “AnalogMUSIC: A Concurrent Beam Training Scheme for Multiple Users in mmWave Systems,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2019.
◆ A. Tang, C. Xu, B. Zhai, and X. Wang, “Design and Implementation of An Integrated Visible Light Communication and WiFi System,” in Proc. IEEE MASS 2018.
◆ A. Tang, X. Wang, and S. Roy, “Centralized Coded Caching for Wireless Networks with Heterogeneous Channel Conditions,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2017.
◆ Y. Chen, P. Lv, X. Wang, H. Zhang, and M. Xu, “PACTON: Paralleling Contention and Transmission in OFDM-Based Wireless Networks,” The 24th International Conference on Computer Communications and Network, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Aug 2015.
◆A. Tang, and X. Wang, "Medium Access Control for a Wireless LAN with a Full Duplex AP and Half Duplex Stations," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2014.
◆ W. Mao, S. Wu, and X. Wang, "QoS-Oriented Distributed Opportunistic Scheduling for Wireless Networks with Hybrid Links," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2013.
◆ J. Wang, P. Huang, X. Wang, and Y. Yang, "Cross-Layer Scheduling for Physical Layer Secrecy and Queue Stability in a Multi-User System," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2013.
◆ S. Wu, W. Mao, and X. Wang, "Performance Analysis of Random Access Multi-user MIMO Wireless LANs," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2013.
◆ S. Wu, W. Mao, and X. Wang, "Information-Theoretic Study on Routing Path Selection in Two-Way Relay Networks," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2013.
◆ P. Huang and X. Wang, "Fast Secret Key Generation in Static Wireless Networks: A Virtual Channel Approach," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2013.
◆ P. Huang and X. Wang, "Secrecy Enhancement with Artificial Noise in Decentralized Wireless Networks: A Stochastic Geometry Perspective," in Proc. IEEE WCNC 2013.
◆ Y. Yang and X. Wang, “On the Number of Relays for Orthogonalize-and-Forward Relaying,” in Proc. IEEE WCSP, Oct. 2011.
◆ P. Lv, X. Wang, and M. Xu, “Network-Leading Association Scheme in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Mesh Networks,” in Proc. IEEE ICC, 2011, Kyoto, Japan.
◆ D. Sun, X. Wang, and Y. Wu, “SecDCF: An Optimized Cross-layer Scheduling Scheme Based on Physical Layer Security,” in Proc. IEEE ICC, 2011, Kyoto, Japan.
◆ D. Li, Y. Xu, J. Liu, X. Wang, and X. Wang, “A Coalitional Game Model for Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks,” in Proc. ACM IWCMC, 2010.
◆ M. Dong, H. Jin, G. Sun, X. Wang, W. Liu, and X. Wang, “Non-cooperative Game Based Social Welfare Maximizing Bandwidth Allocation in WSNs,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, 2011, Houston, USA.
◆ X. Wang, “Scalable Power-Efficient Medium Access Control for Wireless Mesh Networks,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, 2010, Miami, USA.
◆ X. Wang and Hao Wang, “A Novel Medium Access Control Mechanism for OFDMA Wireless Networks,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, 2010, Miami, USA.
◆ X. Wang and L. Foore, “Scalable Lunar Surface Networks and Adaptive Orbit Access,” in Proc. IEEE Aerospace Conference, Mar. 2010.
◆ J. Deng, H, Zeng, R. Xu, and X. Wang, “Dynamic and Robust Hybrid Routing Protocols for Orbit Access Networks in Lunar Exploration,” in Proc. IEEE MILCOM, Oct. 2009.
◆ X. Cai, K. Lu, and X. Wang, “A MAC Protocol for Cooperative Wireless Networks,” in Proc. IEEE ICIS, June 2009.
◆ A. O. Lim, Y. Kado, X. Wang, and B. Zhang, “A Study of Root Driven Routing Protocol for Wireless LAN Mesh Networks,” in Proc. WICON, Austin, TX, 2007.
◆ C.-C., H. Luo, E. Seo, N. H. Vaidya, and X. Wang, “Rate-adaptive Framing for Interfered Wireless Networks,” in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, 2007.
◆ X. Wang, A. Patil, and W. Wang, "VoIP over Wireless Mesh Networks: Challenges and Approaches," in Proc. Wireless Internet Conference (WICON 2006), Boston, Aug. 2006.
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◆ I. F. Akyildiz and X. Wang, “A New Medium Access Control Protocol for TDD Mode Wideband CDMA Wireless Local Area Networks,” in Proc. European Wireless Conference, Florence, Italy, Feb. 2002.
◆ X. Wang and Y. Chen, “A Wireless TDMA/FDD MAC Protocol Based on a Novel Resource Updating Scheme,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, San Antonio, TX, Nov. 2001, pp. 1903-1907.
◆ X. Wang and C. Demiroglu, “ATDMA/TDD MAC Protocol for Wireless Multimedia LANs,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, San Antonio, TX, Nov. 2001, pp. 1898-1902.
◆ X. Wang, “Providing Wireless Internet Access in a TDMA/TDD Wireless LAN through a New Wireless Packet Fair Queueing Scheme,” in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Atlantic City, Oct. 2001, pp. 1319-1323.
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◆X. Wang, R. Luo, and H. Shao, “Designing a Soft Sensor for a Distillation Column with the Fuzzy Distributed Radial Basis Function Neural Network,” in Proc. 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan, 1996, pp. 1714-1719.
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