Published:2016-05-30 Hits:2564




◆ C. Luo, A. Tang, F. Gao, J. Liu, and X. Wang, “Channel Modeling Framework for Bistatic ISAC under 3GPP Standard,” in Proc. IEEE VTC-Spring 2024.


◆ T. Wang, S. Wang, X. Wang, and G. Li, “Collaborative Learning for Less Online Retraining of Neural Receivers,” in Proc. IEEE MLSP 2024.


◆ X. Zhou and X. Wang, “Federated Label-Noise Learning with Local Diversity Product Regularization,” in Proc. the 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-24) [Supplementary Material].




◆ Q. Zhao, A. Tang, X. Wang, J. Liu, Y. Zhou, and F. Gao, “Joint Transmit and Receive Beamforming for Integrated Bistatic Radar Sensing and MU-MIMO Communications,” in Proc. IEEE VTC-Fall 2023.


◆ Z. Wang, A. Tang, and X. Wang, “Iterative Sensing-Assisted Beam Alignment for THz Communications: Theory and Method,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2023.


◆ T. Wang and X. Wang, “Boosting Capacity for 6G Terahertz Mesh Networks Based on Bottleneck Structures,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2023.


◆ X. Wang and X. Wang, “Position Interleaved Pulse Modulation for Terahertz Communications,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2023.


◆ L. Lei and X. Wang, “Reducing Delay of A Wireless Mesh Network With Scalable Per-Node Throughput,” in Proc. IEEE PIMRC 2023.


◆ S. Li, C. Luo, A. Tang, X. Wang, C. Xu, F. Gao, and L. Cai, “Integrating Passive Bistatic Sensing into mmWave B5G/6G Networks: Design and Experiment Measurement,” in Proc. IEEE ICC 2023.




◆ D. Xie,  X. Wang, and A. Tang, “MetaSight: Localizing Blocked RFID Objects by Modulating NLOS Signals via Metasurfaces,” in Proc. ACM Mobisys 2022.


◆ J. Shen, H. Zhu, Y. Cai, B. Zhai, X. Wang, S. Chang, H. Cai, and M. Guo, “mmV2V: Combating One-hop Multicasting in Millimeter-wave Vehicular Networks,” in Proc. IEEE ICDCS 2022.


◆ Y. Bai, S. Amin, X. Wang, and L. Jin,  “Securing Signal-free Intersections against Strategic Jamming Attacks: A Macroscopic Approach,” in Proc. IEEE CDC 2022.


◆ L. Lei, A. Tang, and X. Wang,  “Analysis on the Scalability Issues of Wireless Mesh Networks: Key Factors and Potential Solutions,” in Proc. IEEE MASS 2022.


◆ K. Chen, Y. Zhu, Z. Han, and X. Wang,  “Adaptive Cross-Camera Video Analytics at the Edge,” in Proc. IEEE MASS 2022.


◆ S. Li, A. Tang, and X. Wang, “FreeCollision: Parallel Decoding for Concurrent OFDM-PHY WiFi Backscatter Communications,” in Proc. IEEE ICC 2022.


◆ Q. Zhao, S. Li,  A. Tang, and X. Wang, “Energy-Efficient Reference Signal Optimization for 5G V2X Joint Communication and Sensing,” in Proc. IEEE ICC 2022.


◆ X. Wang, A. Tang, and  X. Wang, "Frequency and Bandwidth Tunable Pulse Waveform Design for Carrier-Free THz Communications," in Proc. IEEE ICC 2022.




◆ A. Tang, Y. Liu, and X. Wang, “Exploiting Joint-Cache-Channel Coding for Decentralized Coded Caching With Heterogeneous Link Rates and Cache Sizes,” in Proc. IEEE PIMRC 2021 (Best Paper Award 1/260)


◆ D. Xie, X. Wang, A. Tang, and H. Zhu, “POLO: Localizing RFID-Tagged Objects for Mobile Robots," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2021.


◆ J. Zhang, S. Chen, X. Wang, and Y. Zhu, “DeepReserve: Dynamic Edge Server Reservation for Connected Vehicles with Deep Reinforcement Learning," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2021.




◆ A. Tang, and X. Wang, “Self-Interference-Resistant IEEE 802.11ad-Based Joint Communication and Automotive Long Range Radar," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2020.


◆ X. Wang, H. Zhu, S. Chang, and X. Wang, “SeVI: Boosting Secure Voice Interactions with Smart Devices," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2020.


◆ S. Fan, Y. Wu, C. Han, and X. Wang, “A Structured Bidirectional LSTM Deep Learning Method For 3D Terahertz Indoor Localization," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2020.


◆ B. Zhai, M. Yu, A. Tang, and X. Wang, “Mesh Architecture for Efficient Integrated Access and Backhaul Networking," in Proc. IEEE WCNC 2020.


◆ D. Xie, C. Xu, A. Tang, and X. Wang, “Rateless Adaptation for Mobile Visible Light Communications," in Proc. IEEE ICNC 2020.


◆ M. Yu, A. Tang, X. Wangand C. Han,"Joint Scheduling and Power Allocation for 6G Terahertz Mesh Networks," in Proc. IEEE ICNC 2020.




◆ D. Xie, D. Weidman, S. Yao,  A. Tang, and X. Wang, “3D Passive Positioning Based on RFID Tag Array,” in Proc. IEEE ICC 2019.


◆ J. Zhang, D. Xie, X. Wang, and J. Lu, "Exploiting Propagation Delay Difference in Collided Preambles for Efficient Random Access in NB-IoT," in Proc. IEEE ICC 2019.


◆ A. Tang, Y. Liu, and X. Wang, “Preference-Aware Caching and Cooperative Coded Multicasting Design for Wireless Backhaul Networks,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2019.


◆ B. Zhai, W. Tang, A. Tang, M. Dai, and X. Wang, “AnalogMUSIC: A Concurrent Beam Training Scheme for Multiple Users in mmWave Systems,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2019.




◆ A. Tang, C. Xu, B. Zhai, and  X. Wang, “Design and Implementation of An Integrated Visible Light Communication and WiFi System,” in Proc. IEEE MASS 2018.




◆ A. Tang, X. Wang, and S. Roy, “Centralized Coded Caching for Wireless Networks with Heterogeneous Channel Conditions,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2017.




◆ Y. Chen, P. Lv, X. Wang, H. Zhang, and M. Xu, “PACTON: Paralleling Contention and Transmission in OFDM-Based Wireless Networks,” The 24th International Conference on Computer Communications and Network, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Aug 2015.




A. Tang, and X. Wang, "Medium Access Control for a Wireless LAN with a Full Duplex AP and Half Duplex Stations," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2014.




◆ W. Mao, S. Wu, and X. Wang, "QoS-Oriented Distributed Opportunistic Scheduling for Wireless Networks with Hybrid Links," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2013.


◆ J. Wang, P. Huang, X. Wang, and Y. Yang, "Cross-Layer Scheduling for Physical Layer Secrecy and Queue Stability in a Multi-User System," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2013.
◆ S. Wu, W. Mao, and X. Wang, "Performance Analysis of Random Access Multi-user MIMO Wireless LANs," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2013.
◆ S. Wu, W. Mao, and X. Wang, "Information-Theoretic Study on Routing Path Selection in Two-Way Relay Networks," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2013.

◆ P. Huang and X. Wang, "Fast Secret Key Generation in Static Wireless Networks: A Virtual Channel Approach," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2013


◆ P. Huang and X. Wang, "Secrecy Enhancement with Artificial Noise in Decentralized Wireless Networks: A Stochastic Geometry Perspective," in Proc. IEEE WCNC 2013.



Y. Yang and X. Wang, “On the Number of Relays for Orthogonalize-and-Forward Relaying,” in Proc. IEEE WCSP, Oct. 2011.
 P. Lv, X. Wang, and M. Xu, “Network-Leading Association Scheme in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Mesh Networks,” in Proc. IEEE ICC, 2011, Kyoto, Japan.
D. Sun, X. Wang, and Y. Wu, “SecDCF: An Optimized Cross-layer Scheduling Scheme Based on Physical Layer Security,” in Proc. IEEE ICC, 2011, Kyoto, Japan.
D. Li, Y. Xu, J. Liu, X. Wang, and X. Wang, “A Coalitional Game Model for Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks,” in Proc. ACM IWCMC, 2010.
M. Dong, H. Jin, G. Sun, X. Wang, W. Liu, and X. Wang, “Non-cooperative Game Based Social Welfare Maximizing Bandwidth Allocation in WSNs,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, 2011, Houston, USA.
 X. Wang, “Scalable Power-Efficient Medium Access Control for Wireless Mesh Networks,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, 2010, Miami, USA.
X. Wang and Hao Wang, “A Novel Medium Access Control Mechanism for OFDMA Wireless Networks,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, 2010, Miami, USA.
X. Wang and L. Foore, “Scalable Lunar Surface Networks and Adaptive Orbit Access,” in Proc. IEEE Aerospace Conference, Mar. 2010.
J. Deng, H, Zeng, R. Xu, and  X. Wang, “Dynamic and Robust Hybrid Routing Protocols for Orbit Access Networks in Lunar Exploration,” in Proc. IEEE MILCOM, Oct. 2009.
X. Cai, K. Lu, and X. Wang, “A MAC Protocol for Cooperative Wireless Networks,” in Proc. IEEE ICIS, June 2009.
A. O. Lim, Y. Kado, X. Wang, and B. Zhang, “A Study of Root Driven Routing Protocol for Wireless LAN Mesh Networks,” in Proc. WICON, Austin, TX, 2007.
C.-C., H. Luo, E. Seo, N. H. Vaidya, and X. Wang, “Rate-adaptive Framing for Interfered Wireless Networks,” in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, 2007.
 X. Wang, A. Patil, and W. Wang, "VoIP over Wireless Mesh Networks: Challenges and Approaches," in Proc. Wireless Internet Conference (WICON 2006), Boston, Aug. 2006. 
X. Wang, “An FDD Wideband CDMA MAC Protocol for Wireless Multimedia Networks,” in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, San Francisco, CA, Apr. 2003, pp. 734-744.
I. F. Akyildiz and X. Wang, “A New Medium Access Control Protocol for TDD Mode Wideband CDMA Wireless Local Area Networks,” in Proc. European Wireless Conference, Florence, Italy, Feb. 2002.
 X. Wang and Y. Chen, “A Wireless TDMA/FDD MAC Protocol Based on a Novel Resource Updating Scheme,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, San Antonio, TX, Nov. 2001, pp. 1903-1907.
X. Wang and C. Demiroglu, “ATDMA/TDD MAC Protocol for Wireless Multimedia LANs,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, San Antonio, TX, Nov. 2001, pp. 1898-1902.
 X. Wang, “Providing Wireless Internet Access in a TDMA/TDD Wireless LAN through a New Wireless Packet Fair Queueing Scheme,” in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Atlantic City, Oct. 2001, pp. 1319-1323.
X. Wang, “A New Scheduling Scheme for the Wideband TD-CDMA MAC Protocol,” in Proc. IEEE ICC, Helsinki, Finland, June 2001, pp. 974-978.
I. F. Akyildiz, X. Wang, and N. Colella, “HALO (High Altitude Long Operation): A Broadband Wireless Metropolitan Area Network,” in Proc. IEEE Mobile Multimedia Communication Conference (MoMuC), San Diego, CA, Sept. 1999, pp. 271-275.
X. Wang, and H. Shao, “Forecasting the Steel Productivity of a Cold Rolling Sizing Unit with the Radial Basis Function Neural Network,” in Proc. 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan, 1996, pp.1734-1735.
X. Wang, R. Luo, and H. Shao, “Designing a Soft Sensor for a Distillation Column with the Fuzzy Distributed Radial Basis Function Neural Network,” in Proc. 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan, 1996, pp. 1714-1719.
X. Wang, H. Shao, and Z. Zhang, “Modeling of Nonlinear System Based on the RBF Neural Network,” in Proc. International Conference on Circuits and System Sciences, Shanghai, China, 1996, pp.126-128.

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